Thursday 14th September | 7pm | Free advance tickets (suggested donation)
How can music make your city better? This is the question Shain Shapiro is asking in his acclaimed debut book! Come and celebrate the book launch with a reading, an interview with author, panel and discussion, then some tunes!
Brighton is synonymous with music. From Brighton Festival to the Great Escape, music is a key economic and social driver about what makes Brighton a place to live for, rather than just a place to live. But how is music understood, managed and developed in the city?
This Must Be The Place: How Music Can Make Your City Better with a panel (Shain Shapiro, Bobby Brown - Platform B, Tom Gray - Gomez & #BrokenRecord, Nicky Williams - BIMM, and Kassia Zermon - The Rose Hill) exploring how music is making Brighton better, what needs to improve and what we need to do to get there. Co-presented by Repeater Books and The Rose Hill in partnership with Pathways Into Music; free entry with a suggested donation to the Center for Music Ecosystems, a global nonprofit that develops research to use music to solve problems in communities.
7:00pm: Doors
7:30pm - 8:15pm: Interview with Shain
8:15pm - 8:45pm: DJ & break
8:45pm - 9:50pm: Panel and discussion