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Listen Club #22: Sound Atmospheres

  • The Rose Hill 70 Rose Hill Terrace Brighton, England, BN1 4JL United Kingdom (map)


Come join us for Listen Club #22; Sound Atmospheres, curated by composer Jean Martin

Sound Atmospheres

Sound affects us – when we listen. We all feel it, yet find it difficult to articulate, what these feelings are. The idea of atmosphere helps focussing on the in-betweenness of these feelings: triggered by sound yet residing in the perceiving body and the sense-making mind. Whether it is composed music or environmental soundscapes, our ears are open to hear. How do we listen and what happens while we are listening? I will use the idea of atmosphere as the link between these diverse sonic shapes. Atmosphere originally relates to the air surrounding the earth and to weather phenomena. It can be applied to sound, which has also an immersive quality. Even to humour, which I will explore in the second part of the evening.

Jean Martin has composed music and created sound for various purposes, including live performance. He has written about film sound and music in a book, in articles and produced programmes on contemporary art music for German Public Radio.