Thursday 2nd June | 7pm | £7 (£4 students)
Next level machine-driven improvisation: FluCoMa in action.
The FluCoMa team is giving a workshop on musicking with machine listening and machine learning, but as the four members are primarily musicians, a true presentation can only happen through a gig!
This evening is all about what drives them, how they make music with technology, in their instrument design, their performance, their musical thinking…
They present their musical endeavours in its full diversity: noises, tunes, and everything in between! With musics by James Bradbury, Ted Moore, P.A.Tremblay and Owen Green, feat special guests FeedbackCell (Alice Eldridge and Chris Kiefer).
Fluid Corpus Manipulation (FluCoMa) instigates new musical ways of exploiting ever-growing banks of sound and gestures within the digital composition process, by bringing breakthroughs of signal decomposition DSP and machine learning to the toolset of techno-fluent computer composers, creative coders and digital artists.
Sign up for FluCoMa workshops @SussexHumanitiesLab here: