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3EYE's Merry Cosmos

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 God's Teeth And The Interstellar. Tropics, Dave Pepper, [Sub]Atomic, Johanna Bramli,
Future Zen's Puppet,  Alan Watts, Ani Ujiik and Dolly Dollycore
Plus a special appearance from Sinatta
The 3EYE collective bring this special seasonal message - We’d like to welcome you into a feathery star dimension of bells in the void. Sounds unspeakably in the right place. Sounds that are words. Words that are dimensions. Sing-a-long adventures, cuddle playtime, angels and spirims and ghosts. Mycelium flickers building constellations that we BLAST OFF away from gravity, land on a feather bed. It’s snowing in Owold, but ever soooo cosy… and we know... ….that ba-by there’s mold outside… 


Dave Pepper
Shaman Showman. ( A search for freedom gets bendy). We fell in love with the poetics of this spectacular being at Festival 23. 

God’s Teeth and The Interstellar Tropics
Drs Karl M V Waugh and James Parsons along with Dolly Turing concoct some far out flowing, merging, drifting... heavy sparse cosmos, with giggles. Inside, outside and over there.

Johanna Bramli
Electronic and voice sculptress of soundscapes and song. Sensory perception, space and audience interaction.


Sally-Shakti Willow & Joe Evans present immersive and mesmerising performances of poetry with mercurial projected images. Both performance and meditation, [Sub]Atomic explore the borders between word & silence, artist & audience, self & other.

6pm - 11.59pm